What do you hear in the silence?

I never used to like silence of any kind. I always had to have the TV or radio on just to have background noise. I was afraid that if things were too silent, I would be unprotected.
Sounds crazy I know. It seems as if all the noise, chaos, yelling, screaming, etc. that I experienced in my childhood somehow brought me comfort. Silence always brought trouble.
However, as the years have gone by, I have learned to love silence – in fact, I desire silence. I drive in my car without music. I roll down my window and hear life happening outside of myself. At home, those birds singing and the melodies that come from each and every one, tells a story. My connection with God is much more intentional. My heart leaps to hear from Him.
So my question to you is, how comfortable are you with silence? What small still voice have you heard today? Try it, you may just like it.
  • Patti
    Posted at 19:18h, 02 September Reply

    Hey Marilyn,

    I'm okay with silence, but that's probably because it's a short commodity around our place. But I do love hearing His voice in the middle of the quiet and especially in the middle of the chaos. It's like a peaceful hug that spreads healing warmth all over, just to hear him speak words of love or affirmation or even correction.

    I love your posts.

  • Robin Bailey - Olympia, WA
    Posted at 14:24h, 03 September Reply

    I enjoy your writing Marilyn! I too like the silence. There is so much to listen to in it. 🙂 Bless you and keep on writing girl!

  • Freedomtrain Ministries
    Posted at 15:00h, 10 September Reply

    Thanks for reading and comment on my posts. It is a stretching time for writing but I am having fun.

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