Client Testimonials

Wayne & Marilyn are thorough, discerning, wise and gracious.

My husband and I pastor a small church in British Columbia. We began asking ministries we knew and respected to recommend an inner healing ministry. They all said, “You need to look into Restoring the Foundations.” We did and we’re sold on it.

We felt as if we couldn’t ask our people and leaders to go to RTF for ministry if we weren’t willing to model it ourselves. We’ve both been through the RTF sessions with Wayne and Marilyn Gray and it was one of the most impacting things we’ve done – for us personally, for our marriage and for our ministry.

Alf and Pam Dyck
The River Community Church
Abbotsford, BC, Canada

Wayne & Marilyn are anointed and seasoned through much experience.

They are mature bringers of new life. They represent Restoring the Foundations ministries with great integrity and richness. You will be greatly blessed in receiving their ministry.

Chester and Betsy Kylstra
Founders, Restoring the Foundations

We have been privileged to minister alongside Wayne & Marilyn.

We appreciate the gifts God has placed within them. They are a wonderful example of a godly marriage and team. We highly recommend their ministry.

Gary and Danice D. Senior Pastors,
Great Grace Ministries
Yelm, WA

The other day a friend said to me, “You’ve sure changed since Restoring the Foundations.'"

“You engage more with others, you’re more comfortable and confident when interacting, and you have taken a much stronger role as a leader.” The greatest impact has been the freedom to be who God made me to be and worry less about what others think of me.

Gerry H.
Abbotsford, BC Canada

Breakthrough is what my wife and I experienced through the RTF ministry and the Gray’s.

What incredible peace and hope! I’ve done a great deal of growth work over the years and yet RTF gave me breakthrough in areas that had plagued me. Freedom in Christ is amazing and we are telling others, it’s the key to walking in fullness of the Christian life. Jump in with both feet and trust the process! And to top it off, our marriage is in a whole new place of freedom, love, joy. We became best friends again.

Doug & Glenda O.
Denver, Colorado

After my Restoring the Foundations weekend, I felt as if a heavy coat had been taken from my shoulders.

A cloud of depression had firmly settled over my life, and I scarcely believed God would do the kind of healing I needed. I feared that if I opened my heart, mind, and spirit to let God work, that I’d completely fall apart. But after my Restoring the Foundations weekend, I felt as if a heavy coat had been taken from my shoulders. I could embrace my emotions and not fear them overwhelming me anymore. God did exceedingly more than I imagined!

Nancy B.
Abbotsford, BC, Canada

By going through RTF together, Kevin and I have become best friends, loyal teammates, and fierce lovers of God.

When my fiancé, Kevin, and I started our Restoring the Foundations ministry on January 1, 2009, it was the greatest start to the new year we could have imagined. Our relationship had come through some difficult struggles, and we knew something had to change or we would destroy each other and lose the gift of friendship and love God had given to us.

I struggled with deep mistrust issues and fear of being hurt and abandoned. This fear manifested itself in massive anxiety attacks that left me unable to eat, sleep, or function normally. Outside of this darkness in my life, I loved God and I loved my fiancé dearly. I wanted to spread joy and healing to others, yet I knew I needed freedom and a new foundation before I could do those things effectively.

Wayne and Marilyn helped me dig deep into my past to uncover childhood wounds that were impacting my relationship with Kevin. In May 2009, Kevin and I married, and I know we never would have made it to the other side of the covenant without first being healed and released of our strongholds. By going through RTF together, Kevin and I have become best friends, loyal teammates, and fierce lovers of God.

Amy F.

I have beaten addiction and moreover, won my life back. I’m forever grateful.

I came from a background of addiction and a troubled childhood. I struggled with sexual addiction and quite frankly, was getting my butt kicked by the enemy when my fiancé and I began the Restoring the Foundations ministry. With Wayne and Marilyn’s help, I was not only able to heal the roots of these issues; I also closed the door permanently to the enemy’s hand in my life. With these new foundations in place, I’m the one who’s doing the butt-kicking.

Ultimately, God has done the work, but with a brave heart, a strong wife by my side, an excellent RTF ministry, and good friends like Wayne and Marilyn, I can’t help but think that I made the right choice to let God use these people to help me in my journey. I have beaten addiction and moreover, won my life back. I’m forever grateful. Update: My beautiful wife and I have been married for 10 years now and have 4 wonderful children. Wayne and Marilyn have remained great friends and family to us.

Kevin F.

Truly life changing!

Through the ministry of RTF and Wayne and Marilyn, I was able to process deep wounds and work through my negative belief systems to become whole and healthy. In addition, I learned tools to help me keep moving forward through life without picking up other unhealthy patterns. Wayne and Marilyn’s care and gentleness provided for an optimal experience. I felt safe, and the sincerity of their love added richness to and enhanced the healing I received.

Janice N.
Olympia, WA

The Grays provided gentle, Christ-like healing and guidance

Wayne & Marilyn recently took my husband and me through a week long inner healing ministry. They were patient, kind, and open to me as I laid out our struggles and hurts on the table. They guided me as I received what the Lord wanted to do in my heart. It was a pivotal time for myself and my husband as we felt God was launching us into a new chapter of our lives – a new adventure in our family and marriage – and we felt  that this opportunity to be ministered to by the Gray’s was a gift given to us for such a time.

Christine D.
Colorado Springs, CO