A Word to Freedomtrain Ministries – 2009

You will be going through that narrow place a place of planting, harvesting, but most of all, birthing – birthing to bring forth a new thing for those who will be in a place of receiving that which I will bring forth.butterfly and cross1201013_26970000

The harvesting will be areas of receiving from past planting. The planting will be for the future harvest. Even in this year the birthing will be from past caring for the planted. Never fret from the time taken in waiting or caring before the receiving. My time and ways are not yours, but trust that My ways are in your favor.

Remember that this is the year of the womb; a time of carrying and bringing forth. Also there is a snake at the door…cunning and deceptive. Look for all the signs of discouragement, the snake would take the seed before the birth. But I will protect even as in Revelation I took the bride to a place of wilderness as protection to be nurtured and to grow. Look to me for nurturing and encouragement, know that what I declare, I will bring forth.

The birthing will be even a new place in the Spirit, but even as such in the Northwest. Remember the winds blowing your sails from the south, the southeast, even now your feet have been planted in that place, moving from a safe harbor to more open, adventurous waters. (See the ship sailing from Budd Bay to Vancouver B.C.)

The RTF effort at CLW:

Continue on; pull forth the birthing. The training/qualifying that was started is a birthing that needs to be birthed (I see peaches). It has been the plan of the enemy to abort before it has happened. Let me take all discouragement and exchange encouragement.

Remember the apostolic planting is one of challenge. You have many homes, yet you have none; you are rejected and discouraged, yet I give acceptance and encouragement. As I have called you to the apostolic, there will be times of tedious planting with results not noticed, but know that I will bring forth that which is planted.

I have called you Fire Starters, to bring forth fire in new places – to burn out, to bring forth, to birth and ignite new things in areas that have not been touched with what I desire for this “now time.” Know that some fires require much nurturing and blowing on the spark to ignite and take hold. This, at times, may be discouraging, but know that this is the call of the apostolic.

For Marilyn:

This year will be a time of birthing in writing, a time of birthing a new thing – that which I have called you to earlier. But rest in Me that you and I will bring it forth. It is not a thing that you need to strive at, but rest in Me and let Me guide your hand of writing; let it flow from Me through you without restraint.

Time with Me will equal time on paper. This is not a thing about accomplishing, or recognition, or even money as so much just being obedient and bringing forth that which will bless others. You are and will be a source of encouragement. Allow Me; invite Me to flow.

Remember, you are aliens here, just passing through, and your treasure is in Heaven.

  • Maggie Johnson
    Posted at 06:14h, 07 May Reply

    I personally am writing to let whom ever is admin this page that God has brought me to this page to use this cross with a butterfly as a facebook page picture. I hope and pray that you don’t mind. Im seriously following God.. and he has me. I searched for a cross with a butterfly and came this is what came up that called me to and then I read this page and reliezed this is IT! Please join me on my facebook page and let them know that God has lead me to this and I’m actually following him. I know this might sound crazy.. but for the past 2 1/2 years I have followed and it’s been miracles after the next… Please read my info and you will see.. as I will direct them to this page as well on my page. I have prayed hard for God to interven and take over and he will.. and he has.. If for some reason you don’t want me to use your pic, please let me know and I will design one. I am not one to come into what your doing.. I’m to help others.. and Unit others to see the miracles at hand. He is working through me.. and this is going to be something Big that is out of my hands.. I just wanted to be respectful enough to let you know cause I am a child of God and I don’t want to cause any problems. Thank you, Maggie

  • Dacia
    Posted at 07:33h, 07 May Reply

    I’m here b/c of Msggie Johnson’s post on a fb page I’m a fan of. I am just loving all these God coincidences! I just wish it was only our kingdom that was growing in power and not also Lucifer’s. Darn it! Those thoughts again trying to put me in fear for what is coming. For it is written, “For God did not give me a spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind”! THANK YOU JESUS =)

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