A Word for the Nations

PhoenixThe Father is saying, “I have extended My right hand into your midst. Grab ahold of My right hand. In My right hand I have salvation; I have righteousness, freedom from your past, from life’s torments, from your current torments.

I will lift you out of the mire and set you upon that solid Rock, that Rock which is Jesus Christ. If you will take a hold of My hand I will draw you unto Myself, I will hold you next to My heart, for I tell you I have a place in My heart for you.

For I know the thoughts that I have for you: thoughts of hope, thoughts to prosper you, thoughts of a bright future for you, of My love for you. My love for you is unconditional and never-ending; draw unto Me and I will draw unto you.

I will bring healing to your hurts, healing to your heart, for I say unto you I will restore what the locust has stolen. For I am the Lord; I am your heavenly Father; there is none other like Me. Take My hand and I will lift you up unto Myself, for it will be done as I say.”

  • Robin Bailey
    Posted at 07:42h, 10 November Reply

    That’s GOOD. What was the name of the book?

  • Marilyn Gray
    Posted at 07:55h, 10 November Reply

    The Word to the Nations is a prophetic word and there is no book attached to this one.

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