Faith is…………

Many of us can say that we understand faith to be something we must have in order to live our lives to the fullest.  In times of trouble and turmoil, faith must be active in order to experience peace and joy in the midst of the storms.  However, there is another kind of faith that is a direct impartation of the Holy Spirit.  It is that kind of faith that we can believe God for what naturally would be impossible. It is wonder-working faith.

In 2003, the Lord gave me a word about writing a book called “Jewels of Wisdom”.  Knowing that it was a word from Him, I  had the faith to believe that what I deemed as impossible, He sees as possible.  With no writing experience, other than journaling for about 17 years, I never have seen myself as a writer.  However, wanting to be obedient to Him and His word, I began this journey into writing.  At times, I would stop and start.  Sometimes for a long time.  Every time I got distracted or off the path, I would be nudged by the Lord to keep writing.  “Remember the word I spoke to you”, he would say.  When  I believed the lie that it was “impossible”, the Lord would encourage me to keep writing. 

Here it is 2010.  I am still writing and still believing.  Doors are beginning to open to actually be published.  Little by little, step by step, I have persevered and pressed in.  I have had the faith, even at times when it waned, that the Lord is faithful to finish that which He has begun.  Psalm 145:13 reads “The LORD is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made.” NIV

Please don’t give up on God.  Know that He is in everything you do.  He wants you to succeed as much as you want to.  He wants you to fulfill all that He has called you to be.  We don’t see what He sees.  He is timeless.  Keep your faith and keep, keepin’ on.

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1 Comment
  • Momma Mindy
    Posted at 19:28h, 29 March Reply

    So glad to hear you are persevering! I am also excited to hear publication doors are opening for you. Praise the Lord! Hoping to see you at NCWA soon.

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