Passion for Truth


I recently attended a conference where the speaker, Todd White, was talking about the Cross and all that it means in one’s life. To know the depth and width of God’s love and what He accomplished through the Cross. Yes, we’ve all heard, “I was bought with a price”. But this weekend, I really got it in my spirit. There were so many wonderful gems that Todd imparted. One of them was: “the second we said I do, He said I AM”. Wow!

My heart was comforted to really know that He is the great I AM. All that I will ever need. My identity is in Him and I must see myself through His glory, His eyes. I don’t need to entertain the enemy with doubt or unbelief when I look in the mirror or look at my circumstances. It is finished. It doesn’t have any power over me. All that comes against me is to kill, steal and destroy but He came so that I can have life! In every area of my life!!

As the night came to an end, we all stood up and declared, “It is finished”! Over and over I declared that as truth. The more I said it, the louder I got, the more my spirit agreed. I knew that old mindsets were being demolished. Old beliefs about my circumstances and relationships were falling down to the truth of the Cross.

If you are struggling today about your identity, purpose or destiny, ask God to show you who He is and let Him pour out His love for you in a fresh new way. He really wants you to know that IT IS FINISHED!!!

  • Lori Green
    Posted at 15:37h, 06 October Reply

    Oh Marilyn, I loved reading this. I loved your word choices, “Old beliefs about my circumstances and relationships were ‘falling down to the truth’ of the cross.” Wow! Powerful! Love you, Lori

  • Sharon Chappius
    Posted at 16:35h, 06 October Reply

    Hey Girlfriend—what an amazing word!!! I’m loving walking in “It Is Finished”! We truly serve an AMAZING God!!! Blessings to you, my friend. See you soon! Hugs,Sharon

  • Robin Bailey
    Posted at 20:36h, 06 October Reply

    I love that. I needed that reminder tonight. This will be great to meditate on too. I am excited that you received a new depth to this truth. God is so good. Bless you Marilyn!

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