22 Apr We Were Created For Love
I am so amazed by God’s handiwork. His love is the passion behind everything He created. Then, now, and in the future. It was always His intention to have divine relationships. We need Him and we need each other. Animals need food, plants need water, flowers need sun – it’s all based on relationship.
Just as the picture depicts, I need you and you need me – we need each other. I’m grateful for friendships in my life. I am so glad that the Lord never neglects us and loves us unconditionally! There is always help available to us.
“Love, like music, is a melody that lingers in the heart long after the words have been sung. Love is what helps us to feel for each other, to put ourselves into our neighbor’s places. It helps us to see with their eyes, hear with their ears, and feel with their hearts. Better yet, it teaches us to view others the way God sees them. No matter what difficulties we may face, love is the universal answer.” author unknown
Remember, we were created for love!
Posted at 22:26h, 22 AprilAmen!! I went for a walk today in the wilderness, marveled at the beauty of creation and thoroughly enjoyed the sunshine and each person who passed the other way, saying “hello”. His creation grace along with His love is evident everywhere.
Lori Green
Posted at 10:07h, 23 AprilWhat a beautiful sentiment, Marilyn. Really. Great word!
Posted at 14:34h, 25 AprilI’m grateful for your friendship in my life! We really do need each other. The squirrels in the picture are a wonderful example of our need for relationship. They make me smile. 🙂