I am always amazed how unique every person, every thing, every bird, every flower, every weed and every creation living on this earth!
My husband, Wayne, painted this picture and it struck me deep in my soul. I know there are times in my life when I have felt less than, ugly, incapable and basically not fitting in. I have struggled comparing myself to others. When I was on a mission trip to Uganda, I had a special lady hand me a note that said, “those who compare themselves to others is unwise. You have the ability to open the hearts of man so that I can pour My love into their heart”. I said to myself, “how does she know that I have struggled with comparison and envy?” But God knew! I was set free that day from feeling less than.
This flower doesn’t know that it is flawed. It doesn’t look like any other flower I’ve ever seen but at the same time it is BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE. A paintbrush, a palate of color, and a bit of imagination created it. I am learning to tap into my own creativity following my heart. My writings, my pictures, my knitting, and just about everything in my heart is to be different, unique to me and a masterpiece. When I am free to live this way, I experience great joy. You see its not about perfection or pride, its about letting my imagination connect with God’s heart.
If you struggle with shame, insecurity, or feeling cast out, those beliefs are distorting your true identity because I know that God doesn’t create junk. You are the apple of His eye. Please take a minute to meditate on this truth: “you are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you.” Song of Solomon 4:7 ESV
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