Permission to use photo was given to me by Ted and Robin Bailey, Olympia, WA.

Travel with me………As we drive down the muddy road of life, we can get focused on the pitfalls and rocks in the way. Those things might even damage the vehicle we are in. As our eyes move towards the road ahead, we begin to see the rugged sides and the dead trees. But journey with me along this path, lifting your eyes on the sun beginning to reveal its glorious brightness and warmth on the trees. Now what you see as you look up, is this beautiful snow packed diamond in the sky, called Mt. Rainier, a year-round glacier in Washington State.. The majesty and magnificence of God’s creation just for you. It takes your breath away…………………………..linger there………………………………….be still………………………..breathe it in.

Life is very hard these days and it can be easy to take our eyes off the beauty and creation that is ours to reflect on and admire. Many times our focus isn’t even the present moment but in yesterday or tomorrow. However, I have learned that living in the moment brings abundant gratitude and wonder. I was raised in Colorado and in some respects, the magnificent mountains made me feel safe and protected. Living in Washington also brought great joy and safety.

Just remember this – life is short and you can’t change yesterday and you have very little control over tomorrow. Today is the day!

Isaiah 43:18-19, “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Such hope!!!!

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  • Christine D.
    Posted at 20:08h, 15 January Reply

    Yes! Good reminder!

    • Marilyn
      Posted at 20:34h, 15 January Reply

      Christine, glad it inspired you.

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