A Word to the Bride

BrideI hear the Lord Jesus saying, “My bride, My bride, I am calling you. I am calling you to ready yourself for your wedding feast, The Wedding Feast of the Bride.

I say, “Are you ready, have you prepared yourself? Do you have the clothing I have required of you; has it been cleansed?”

I am coming for a bride without spot or wrinkle. Prepare yourself, for the time is drawing nigh. The eleventh hour is quickly passing; cleanse yourself of the wrinkles of the sin and curses of the idolatry of this world, the spots of false teaching, of unbelief, of religiosity above love.

Come and cleanse yourself in the blood of the Lamb, My blood which was shed for a ransom for all, for salvation, for cleansing from all unrighteousness, for forgiveness of all sins and your transformation into My Image.

I say, “Come quickly and receive what I have done for you, My bride.”

This is a new day, a new year, a critical time for change. Get ready for Me to move on this world in a way that has never been seen. You must be strong, courageous and ready.

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