A Day with Jesus

As I was soaking and resting in God’s presence and listening to worship music this morning, the Lord spoke to my heart. It was as if He was giving me a vision of His heart for you and for all people. I would like to share it with you.

“Lord, you have been so faithful and gentle. One that I can always put my trust in. I know you are calling all of us into your wonderful and joy filled life. You are wanting me to walk with you and gather up your loved ones.”

Vision: As Jesus and I are walking along a path, we both go and knock on doors to ask others to follow us. Some willfully come with very little effort. “Others are rejecting Me”, says the Lord, “so they are rejecting you as well.” My heart was broken because some of those rejecting both of us are my family. Jesus just keeps walking and those who want to follow, learn, and be taught by Him are together. Jesus gently begins to teach. He says, “it’s so simple – don’t get so complicated.” He gives us all the instructions we need. He then encourages us to give it out and pour it out to those who follow. He then walks away to rest. We all stop and choose to rest because He is our model.

Morning comes! The dew twinkles, the sun smiles, the birds stretch their wings as if they are getting ready for that new adventure. Little by little nature begins to wake up. Jesus looks over the valley and begins to pray. He declares His goodness. He gives thanks as He keeps us in His heart.

My heart declares, “Lord, there isn’t one prayer you don’t here. You know how to listen and you care so much for us. You knit our hearts together.” Jesus responds, “Every detail of your lives are put together in one large plan. Not one thing is left out. Part of the plan includes not just the smooth places in which you walk but some of those hard and tumultuous times. You will run and you will hide but know this, you are victorious and will win. Shout for joy and victory! Stand and declare the truth to all nations of My great love, power and authority.”

What a glorious day, full of hope, full of simplicity, full of vision with great expectations ahead. Jesus and I are together looking in all directions as we stand in wonder! Wow!

My encouragement to you is this: Follow Him today. Let Him guide your steps. Let Him reveal His heart for you. Stop and listen to His words. Walk side by side with Him and He will show you great and glorious things.

Mark 1:17-18
“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” At once they left their nets and followed him. NIV

1 Comment
  • Rena
    Posted at 21:08h, 31 August Reply

    Lovely, just lovely!! Thank you for sharing such an encouraging word from our Lord.

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