Have you ever wondered what might lie ahead in the days, weeks, or months to come? Or looked back at the path you walked years ago and contemplated what your life might have been? I have. My personal life has been an interesting journey. Overcoming...

When you first see these socks, what do you think of? Immediately when I saw them, I began to laugh. I began to remember the days when funny socks were actually in (or did they actually go out?).  So simple but yet so funny and joyful. Unique...

As I look around and see buds on trees and flowers on dormant bushes coming alive, I am reminded how precious this season is. Winter is over, spring is in the air, and I am encouraged to start new things. New projects, excitement about the days ahead,...

Many of us can say that we understand faith to be something we must have in order to live our lives to the fullest.  In times of trouble and turmoil, faith must be active in order to experience peace and joy in the midst of...

First of all, Webster’s dictionary defines Perseverance as: A steady persistence in a course of action A purpose, especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.   Another way to say it is:  Resolve Determination Urgency Little did I know when I gave my first speech in 7th grade on perseverance, that...

Sweeten up your relationship with this MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT WEEKEND! February 12-13, 2010.  Begins at 7:00 to 9:30 pm on February 12th. Saturday sessions begin at 9:30 am until 5:00 pm.  Then you can take your loved one out to a movie! Guys, this is a great way to...

I recently received the rose in this blogpost.  As I have been watching it bloom, I have been totally amazed by its uniqueness and special fragrance.  I don't believe I have ever seen a rose so beautiful and intricate.  I believe God looks at us in...