These lyr­ics first ap­peared in The North­ern Christ­ian Ad­vo­cate, Feb­ru­ary 1, 1877, as a po­em ti­tled “The Child of a King” by John Sumner. Over 135 years ago, the Lord was speaking the same message! Why does it take so long for us to know this...

The blasts of the shofar are commonly used for wake-up calls to shake out of our spiritual slumber, reconnect to our source, and recommit to our divine mission in this world. I want to share a prophetic word that was given to me and I believe...

THE SKY'S THE LIMIT! How many times have you felt you were walking on a tightrope? Maybe it had to do with a friendship, work associate, or ministry? Even though the Lord is directing your steps and giving you great skills in communication, it...