This original painting was created by Joyce Gray, my husband's mother. Joyce loved painting and this commission was a mural put up in their church many years ago. There is so much truth, hope, and promise in this wonderful painting. Not only a crowd of...

The blasts of the shofar are commonly used for wake-up calls to shake out of our spiritual slumber, reconnect to our source, and recommit to our divine mission in this world. I want to share a prophetic word that was given to me and I believe...

As the holiday season is upon us, this morning I was praising God and thanking Him for the life He has given me. I am so grateful and thankful for my wonderful husband, friends and our church family. Having several family members currently ill and...

As I look around and see buds on trees and flowers on dormant bushes coming alive, I am reminded how precious this season is. Winter is over, spring is in the air, and I am encouraged to start new things. New projects, excitement about the days ahead,...

Many of us can say that we understand faith to be something we must have in order to live our lives to the fullest.  In times of trouble and turmoil, faith must be active in order to experience peace and joy in the midst of...