Trading Your Sorrows…………

012 Dancing Waters IIISorrows. We’ve all had them. We’ve known others that have either experienced pain or major loss. We may know someone that is experiencing sorrow right now. But sorrows do not have to stop us. Sorrows do not have to define who we are or even what our future holds. Sorrows and loss are hard but they are not the end of the story. Sorrows only hold a part of the story. 

So knowing that sorrow is shared by all, why do some get stuck and some seem to move on?  I believe it’s because some have learned to trade their sorrows for JOY! Joy can’t be found in the “world”. Believe me, I’ve been there and tried that. It was impossible for me to find joy in people, places or things. 

I have found that MY JOY and MY STRENGTH COME FROM GOD ALONE!  Try it. Trade those sorrows and let JOY be yours today.

1 Comment
  • Holly Roddam
    Posted at 02:26h, 11 January Reply

    Funny you should be talking about why people don’t get healed but stay stuck and don’t move on. I was thinking about that myself today, and another reason I believe is that people don’t want to get healed! Growing up I always thought it was strange that Jesus asked the blind man what he wanted from Jesus. Dah! to be healed of course!!! (I used to think!) But now I have met some people who really don’t want to be healed, if only subconsciously. You can get a lot of mileage out of staying “stuck”!

    Thank you for being there for those who DO want to be healed!!

    Peace & Love,
    Holly M. <

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