Totally unexpected……….

Over the last six weeks I’ve had the great experience of watching a family of birds live daily life. Momma and Papa bird would come to the nest night and day to feed and watch over their little ones. I had a bird’s eye view from my living room window. I was excited to see how life was changing for this family. At first I thought maybe there were only two little ones until one day Momma flew in with a juicy worm and no, there were four little mouths to feed.

I found myself checking the nest daily (actually several times daily) just to watch and observe. At one point when I peered in, I noticed Momma just laying on top of her eggs, rocking back and forth. It was the same motion a mother would make rocking her baby. Such love and such care!

When they thought we were too close to the nest, the parents would chirp louder to warn their children but also to say “hey, back off”. A few days ago, it appeared that everyone was getting a little testy and cramped in that small, bird-made nest. They were fighting and jockeying for position. I knew it wouldn’t be long until they would take flight. We peered in one last time and swoosh, all of a sudden they all flew out with gusto.

I was saddened to see my feathery friends go but grateful I was able to observe how the Lord takes care of his little ones. It made me understand that if He cares so much for the birds of the air, how much more does He care for you and me.

Matthew 6:26-27
“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” NIV

  • Dayna Brown
    Posted at 08:44h, 16 July Reply

    I have been watching the Hornby Eagles in the same way you have watched your birds, I enjoyed watching baby Phoenix grow her eagle feathers change and her beautiful parents watching her, feeding her.. Nearly 12,000 people have been on the website watching and waiting for her to take flight anyday! she was huge, and beautiful…but yesterday she died, so many of us grieved and I am still tearing often over her death…. the cool part is that now many are comforting eachother from all over the world!!/pages/Hornby-Eagles/254414002453?ref=ts

  • Rena
    Posted at 14:08h, 17 July Reply

    Oh my!! They are just so cute! The birds in my planter are much too small yet, and can’t fly. Am looking forward to watching them “get their wings”. It’s such a wonder to see. I’ve been told that once a pair has a successful nesting home they will be back, so you’re likely to see the momma and poppa next year. Our little family of birds is being raised by just the single mom. Hmmmm, there’s got to be a lesson in there somewhere!

  • Marilyn Gray
    Posted at 14:53h, 20 July Reply

    Dayna and Rena,
    I have missed my little guys. But we came across a huge nest of eagles near our home and have been watching them through our binoculars. Amazing birds. God just thought of it all didn’t He.

  • Kevin and Amy
    Posted at 21:54h, 17 August Reply

    Well if this is what you have right out your front window then why on earth are we heading up the mountain?? Oh yeah, cause Amy can’t come down there yet. Soon I hope and then we need to buy the place across the street so we can share these birdies. They are so cute. We love them. I want to name them… edwardo, caroline, joshua and rastus. We love you guys and can’t wait to see you!
    Kevin and Amy

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