04 Sep Growing in Revelation
I’ve been reading a book written by Danny Silk called, “Keep Your Love On” (KYLO). It has been very challenging but so so good. One of the truths in the book that hit my heart was “loving others is based on how much we love ourselves”. That sounds so selfish and self focused but if we can’t love ourselves, how are we going to love others? How can we say we love you but at the same time we hate ourselves? I’ve done it and you’ve probably done it too.
My freedom to love has grown by embracing the truth that God is love, He created me in love, love covers it all, and getting the revelation that “His perfect love casts out all fear”. Learning to love everything about me; the good, bad, and ugly, has freed me to love you! We were created to love and give it away but if we don’t or can’t receive it for ourselves, our level and commitment to love others just gets less and less.
In the book Danny refers to the Seven Pillars of Healthy Relationships: Love, Honor, Self-Control, Responsibility, Truth, Faith, and Vision. He states that the foundation is always Unconditional Acceptance and the fruit is Peace, Hope and Joy. So yes, let’s go love others by living with these principles but we must also learn to apply them to ourselves as well.
My husband and I have a heart to see people freed from their past hurts and start living with hope and passion. Unfortunately, the biggest blockage for most individuals is that they don’t love themselves and they have a hard time forgiving themselves for things they’ve done in the past. I get it! BUT GOD!!
So the next time you start to devalue yourself, remember that Jesus paid the price. It’s time to receive the greatest gift of all, HIS LOVE FOR YOU! It’s a process but make the commitment today to love what God created in YOU.
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